Anorexia at the Family Reunion

In an earlier post I wrote about last summer’s family reunion, and how we used the occasion to address my mother’s advancing Alzheimer’s.  Unfortunately, Anorexia was another unwelcome guest at the reunion.  Before my own daughter (called Guzzy here) was afflicted, I had only a casual understanding of Eating Disorders, and I knew my own family was struggling to understand. I sent the following letter to help my supportive family know what to expect.

Anorexia will be an uninvited guest at our family reunion this summer.  This letter provides some basic information about anorexia and how it affects its victims, while giving some practical advice to make sure anorexia does not put a damper on our event.  As my sister has said, we WILL have fun!

Please Do not ask ‘why’ or other questions designed to figure out how this happened. While I realize that these conversations would be initiated with good intentions, there simply is no good answer.  Conversations about the root cause of the illness can cause feelings of guilt and stress.  Any ‘blame’ should be laid squarely at the feet of the illness itself. (more…)

If the Jeans Fit

I do not get excited about Casual Friday, although many of my colleagues think it is a great ‘perk’ that they can wear jeans once a week.  My lack of enthusiasm is due to several factors.

Some of my co-workers take the ‘casual Friday’ concept to the extreme; wearing ripped t-shirts, run-down beach flip flops, and/or the retro ultra-short shorts of the 1970s (yes, I AM talking about grown men.)  It is distracting (and NOT in a good way) to be in a meeting on a serious topic while sitting next to a guy in a pair of shorts that would make John MacEnroe blush.



It has only been through the exercise of great restraint that I have not yet written of my grand-babies.  They are a little over 17 months old now, and I have not seen them for 6 weeks, which is the longest period of time in their short lives that I have gone without seeing them.  I am eagerly anticipating giving them each a big squeeze and kiss first thing in the morning after we arrive, since we will arrive much too late at night to see them until the morning.   Like most people, my job takes time away from many other interests, including travel to the Twin Cities where everything comes in twos.  My daughter and her husband live there with their lovely twin daughters, two dogs and two cats and a bunch of aimless turtles.   A weekend at their household is both wonderful and a reminder as to why babies are (generally speaking) born to and raised by youngish adults.


A literary bath

I have always enjoyed a hot bath. I fill up the tub with hot-as-I-can-stand-it water, pour in a good quantity of bubbles and sink into the luxurious warmth.   I also love to read and usually do some reading while soaking in the tub.

I have a vivid memory of a crisp fall evening several years ago when my now grown children were about 7 and 9 years old.  At the time I was a single mom and it had been an unusually busy day; I was tired and a bit grumpy.  The kids were happily playing in the back yard and I asked if anybody needed anything before going inside for a relaxing bath. Everyone was settled and agreed they could manage without me for at least a half hour–Perfect! (more…)

I miss my old shoes

Recently I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a new pair of good tennis shoes.  They are high-tech with gel insoles and are a nifty- grape color.  However, they are not nearly as good as the plain-jane all-white pair I had when I first started playing regularly some 13 years ago.


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