We have a ‘joy jar’ next to our kitchen sink.  Periodically throughout the year, we jot down a note regarding a happy occasion.  On New Years Day, we pull out the Joy Jar, and take turns reading and reminiscing.

I tend to be both the most prolific and the most absent-minded contributor to our joy jar; which results in several duplicate submissions.  Some highlights from our year:

  • Our Vacation in Belize
  • Guzzy moved to her own apt and got a great new job (and she still stops home now and then)
  • Guzzy recognized she deserves ‘more’ and broke up with an icky boyfriend
  • Time spent with X-girls throughout the year
  • A Successful NEDA Walk
  • We got a dog (Cleo)
  • I am working out regularly, and am feeling strong (although today I’m more sore than strong)
  • Time with friends and family over the holidays (including Dan’s 60th birthday dinner)

On a personal level, we had a great year — yet I continue to have a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach as we reflect on the past year.  2016 will forever be known as the year that America experienced a national brain-fart.

National brain-farts aside–we have much to be thankful for.  I have made two resolutions:   To keep a gratefulness journal and to get out of my white, middle-aged ‘bubble’ more frequently to advocate for, and help maintain hard-fought gains for many now-threatened groups, including women.

Today, as Dan remains glued to the TV set: I am grateful that the college football season is almost over.


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