Oh, the stories.  Stories that break your heart; stories that lift you up.  Stories of lost years, suffering and sacrifice;  but above all:  Stories of Hope and Inspiration.

Breakfast at the National Eating Disorder conference:  A table full of beautiful and compassionate young women from all over the US;  all of whom have recovered from a devastating eating disorder and are commited to sharing their stories and energies to help others.  Stories of misery, hospitalizations, therapies, treatments, interventions.  Stories of lost years.  Stories of parents that were incredibly supportive.  Stories of parents and families that didn’t understand or chose to turn a blind eye to the problem. Stories of struggle and hitting bottom before committing to recovery.  Stories of what it took to love themselves enough to want to live a full life without ED.  Stories of strength and hope.

Moms and dads also share their stories including nutritionists, therapists and doctors who were gobsmacked by their own daughter’s (or son’s) illnesses.  Stories of guilt, despair, confusion,  and anger. Incredibly sad stories of tragedy and grief. Stories of amazing sacrifices in time, energy and money.  Stories of unconditional love and of hope.

The Personal IS Political.  Our personal histories give us, collectively and individually: the inner fire and passion to advocate, to preach and to evangelize.

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