An Acquired Taste

Tonight I sent a very bizarre text to my husband.  Allow me to set the stage.

Our canine companion, Cleo was acquired almost exactly a year ago after a brief, yet intense, campaign on my part to convince Dan that we really needed a dog to complete our new lifestyle in our log cabin in the woods.  Although initially resistant, Dan is a very smart man with lots of first-hand experience with my tenacity.  Enter Cleo–a husky / beagle mix.

Readers of this blog are familiar with my affection for Cleo.  However, she has one particularly annoying and puzzling habit.  Shortly after her arrival in our home we discovered 6 pairs of Guzzy’s expensive lacy thong panties torn to shreds.  Prior to the mauling, the innocent undies were residing in the bottom of a basket of clean laundry waiting to be put away, requiring a concerted canine effort to root them out into the open.  Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident.

As the primary dog advocate and owner, I would replace the mauled items.  I felt super creepy browsing Victoria Secret’s website searching out the lacy, sexy (and seemingly incredibly uncomfortable) styles that Guzzy seems to prefer.  Even as a mom, there was a certain ‘ew’ factor.

After Guzzy moved out, Cleo had to find another source for her undie fix, and turned her attentions to my decidedly more substantial (and more comfortable) under garments.

Cleo has proven to be a bit of a savant at sniffing out and destroying panties.  If she applied those advanced olfactory skills to sniffing out missing persons or detecting drugs; she could really make a difference and contribute to society.  Alas, the only benefactor of her current hobby is Victoria Secret.

Now that I am keeping my own unmentionables under lock and key, Cleo is forced to lower her standards further in order to satisfy her cravings.  Dan had bought some new clothes for our recent trip to Belize.  Thus, the text I sent him tonight: “Your Jungle undies have been decrotched”. 

At the risk of losing my PG rating, I won’t share his reply.

2016 Reflections

We have a ‘joy jar’ next to our kitchen sink.  Periodically throughout the year, we jot down a note regarding a happy occasion.  On New Years Day, we pull out the Joy Jar, and take turns reading and reminiscing.

I tend to be both the most prolific and the most absent-minded contributor to our joy jar; which results in several duplicate submissions.  Some highlights from our year:

  • Our Vacation in Belize
  • Guzzy moved to her own apt and got a great new job (and she still stops home now and then)
  • Guzzy recognized she deserves ‘more’ and broke up with an icky boyfriend
  • Time spent with X-girls throughout the year
  • A Successful NEDA Walk
  • We got a dog (Cleo)
  • I am working out regularly, and am feeling strong (although today I’m more sore than strong)
  • Time with friends and family over the holidays (including Dan’s 60th birthday dinner)

On a personal level, we had a great year — yet I continue to have a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach as we reflect on the past year.  2016 will forever be known as the year that America experienced a national brain-fart.

National brain-farts aside–we have much to be thankful for.  I have made two resolutions:   To keep a gratefulness journal and to get out of my white, middle-aged ‘bubble’ more frequently to advocate for, and help maintain hard-fought gains for many now-threatened groups, including women.

Today, as Dan remains glued to the TV set: I am grateful that the college football season is almost over.


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