We live in difficult and discouraging times. It is not a Government for and by the people–it is a government for and by the rich and powerful.  There are no rules of conduct that over-ride political expediency, there are no crimes against women so egregious that they cannot be dismissed or overlooked in the interest of expanding the existing power base.

For a few days there was a glimmer of hope.  Hundreds of Law Professors and a myriad of organizations were vocal in their opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation, based upon his overtly partisan and angry demeanor during last week’s hearing.  Even if one draws the sad conclusion that mutiple charges of sexual harrassment and attempted rape are not disqualifying; there were hopes that a man spewing spittle and venom during a SCOTUS confirmation hearing may give our Senators pause.  Today, that glimmer of hope has faded.

The FBI investigation was a sham; neither principle was interviewed, and dozens of witnesses who were clamoring to come forward with pertinent information were ignored.  We have a wide range of justice in this country: if you are white, rich and/or powerful you get the benefit of any doubt–reasonable or otherwise.  Women, Blacks and other marginalized groups are ‘fair game’ for harassment and abuse, knowing that our road to justice is narrow and fraught with more risks to ourselves than to our abusers.

How is it we are not on the streets with pitchforks right now?  The answer is — we have tried.  We have walked the streets, we have picketed, we have blogged, reported about the scandals, written books,  we have called our congressmen, we have made political contributions, we have shouted to the treetops….. and in the end it simply doesn’t matter; At least today, it hasn’t mattered enough.  Today, we bow our heads.  Tomorrow, we pick up the edges of our frayed souls and we try again.

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