We had barely exhaled a collective sigh of relief that 2020 was finally over, when the Capitol riot took our collective breath away a mere 6 days into the new year.  In horrible fashion, we finally got answer to this question:  how bad does tRump’s behavior need to be before he starts losing GOP support? After four years of horrific behavior and unspeakable cruelty, it took a violent attack on our Capitol for at least some of his sycophants to find their spines.

 At long last, there is some accountability and consequences for tRump and his rabid followers for their words and their actions.  While we do not yet know the full extent of those consequences, tRump has lost his precious Twitter account—which he clearly mourns more than the deaths that occurred on Jan. 6th.

As I write this, more details continue to emerge hourly regarding the scope and intent of the attack.  It is even more horrible and premeditated than was originally known.  Over time we will learn more about culpability from those we trusted to govern as well as those we trusted to serve and protect. 

Despite all this, tRump continues to sow division and maniacal support from his most rabid followers–those that continue to insist that the election was rigged: despite all the facts, audits, recounts and court cases that consistently indicate a fair election.  Their only ‘evidence’ are the lies and debunked conspiracy theories promulgated by tRump and his lapdogs. 

During BLM protests, police in riot gear tear-gassed and shot rubber bullets into a largely peaceful crowd to enable tRump’s photo opp.  Prior to that over 100 women were arrested for non-violently and legally being in the Capitol to protest a Supreme Court confirmation Hearing.  Raphael Warnock was arrested for PRAYING in the Capitol. It is clear that the police have no issues repelling and arresting women and people of color for simply ‘being’.

Contrast that to last week, where White Privilege was blatantly on display for the world to see.  A group of mostly white men (some of whom were armed), broke windows, unlawfully entered Congressional chambers and offices, beat cops, destroyed property, threatened the lives of our country’s leaders, built a gallows, shit in the halls, and trampled one of their own to death; after which they were gently ushered out and went out together to have a beer. The lack of policing and the paltry number of immediate arrests of this mob is equally as incomprehensible and horrible as the riot itself. 

2021 is the sequel to 2020, and thus far it does not bode well. We are all depleted, we need to give and receive grace.  My friends, please remember to breath and take care of yourselves in the storms to come. 

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