Yesterday’s SCOTUS decision was the latest of a series of terrific blows.  It appears the goal of both GOP and tRUMP-loaded SCOTUS is to criminalize pregnancy and to impose total state-control over a woman’s body.  The hypocrisy of a party that claims to advocate for personal autonomy and limited government is stunning; but only until you realize that this philosophy only applies to themselves.  The rest of us can go to hell–or at least to jail, for trying to act like autonomous human beings with control over our own bodies.

The current wave of anti-abortion sentiment is particularly hostile and cruel. The idea that a woman who is impregnated, regardless of circumstances or medical considerations, has no agency over her own body is beyond frightening.  The woman or her ‘accomplices’ can be sent to jail for a range of perceived sins from miscarriage to still birth.   It is a dystopian scenario for any woman of child bearing abilities.  It is frightening and dangerous to become pregnant it today’s America.

The concern for babies stops at birth.  Once born, the GOP doesn’t give a shit, and won’t lend a hand (or a buck) to help feed, house or otherwise care for that child.  In a less tragic scenario, one would think that anyone with a self-proclaimed ‘pro-life’ label would be first in line to assure that moms and babies have the resources to thrive:  access to quality medical care, housing, food, paid time-off from work, quality daycare, etc.    But, no.  The richest nation in the world treats new parents and their babies worse than any other ‘industrialized’ nation. 

Although the state MANDATES that a child be born, the tremendous burden of caring for that child rests solely on the parents shoulders.

Today, we breath, and tomorrow we persist.  I’m not sure exactly what that looks like today – but while pondering those next steps, I’m going to search my closet for my pussy hat– I’m going to need it.

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