These are unusual times, and I have taken the unusual measure of isolating myself in a small AirBnB in Minneapolis to ensure a clean bill of health prior to a much-anticipated visit with my new grandson, his sisters and his parents.

This has offered a rare (for me) opportunity to experience a week alone. Although in this digital age we are never truly alone, unless we go off the grid in some truly remote location, which I decidedly did NOT do. I arrived at my AirBnB with no fewer than 4 electronic devices, all of which have been employed regularly, including the work-issued computer I used Monday-Friday.

Even so, this is the closest I am likely to come to being a hermit. I have learned a few random things:

  • I love Grubhub– who knew?
  • Minnesota is cold in May. My daughter told me to pack my swimsuit ‘just in case’ they decide to break out the Slip N Slide during my visit. Today when I woke up the temp was 39 degrees. Ugh.
  • I had to face my discomfort taking a walk in this urban and diverse neighborhood. (This could be its own post – so many lessons!)
  • Doing a puzzle can be a pleasant distraction OR it can be an unhealthy obsession, wherein a person stays up into the wee hours of the night, squinting frantically at the puzzle that MUST BE DONE before Monday. (In a fit of healthy insight – I dismantled my ‘nearly done’ puzzle this morning before sitting down to write this. It is time to let go of those things that do not serve us.)
  • I love talking to my friends and family via video chat. I also love that we don’t talk ‘too’ long.
  • I am blessed with family that I can rely on even when I am not there. The critters and home are well taken care of.
  • I don’t need a lot of stuff
  • Morning coffee is best while reading the newspaper and watching the birds that flock to the feeders in our backyard; preferably with my husband and after walking the dog.

There is more, but you get the gist. During the time of COVID, we are all more isolated than before. We miss spending time with people, going to events, and participating in activities. Yet, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sit back, simplify, and take stock of what is truly important.

Now, if you will excuse me, it is time to put on multiple layers of outer-wear and go for a walk. Also– I have a slightly used puzzle for anyone who wants it.

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