This Fourth of July is a good time to issue congratulations to us for our important role in recent political events.  

Our Role in the 2016 Election: 

Although the majority of all women voters in 2016 voted for Hillary;  52% of us voted for Trump, undeterred by his pussy-grabbing ways. Some of us cited reasons such as:  “I  can’t vote for a woman that would stay with a cheating husband”;   ” I really like his style’; and Finally: “I dunno, I just don’t like Hillary or didn’t vote at all–citing a dislike of both candidates.

We broke ranks from our black and brown sisters, preferring to elect a serial philanderer rather than a woman who is married to one;  electing a man who regularly degrades women and minorities– because he is entertaining to watch;  we chose a man with zero experience or qualifications, because we just liked him better than the boring, staid, hard-working lady with the pantsuits.

In fact, we liked Trump so much, we helped give him a super-majority in Congress–effectively ensuring he could do whatever the heck he wants to, with few checks and balances in place.  What a fantastic turn of events for a man who openly admires dictators!

Reporting suspicious activities

Now that we have adequately reinforced that persistent glass ceiling;  what else have we been up to?  A few of us have been calling the police to report black people performing suspicious activities such as: sitting in Starbucks, sleeping in dorms, swimming at the pool, moving into apartments,  barbecuing at the parks, staying at AirBnBs, and  mowing the lawns of our neighbors.  Perhaps wearing  a “Make America Great” hat frees us to voice concerns that we may have been too embarrassed to articulate previously.

Yet, for all that:  we are not of one-mind.  There is an active resistance in our midst: several of us DID join our non-white sisters and brothers for the Women’s March in January 2017; and continue to protest the unprecedented amount of misinformation (formerly known as lies) and corruption that has infested our national politics.

Trump’s Trade Wars

Here in the Heartland, it is getting personal in a hurry.  Family members are already losing their jobs as companies move or go out of business due to the Trump-induced trade wars. But, perhaps knee-capping global trade and damaging our own economy is a small price to pay for putting America First!   We will be able to see more of our extended families as workers lose their jobs and are forced to move back in with their parents.

Thanks to the GOP tax cut, we can now afford that Costco membership we’ve always wanted.  Those discounts will come in handy as we continue the long wait for the promised ‘trickle-down’ benefits of slashing taxes for the ultra-rich; and as our Social Security and Medicare benefits are re-directed to fund those same tax cuts.  It’s a good thing that we are a hard-working group–who really wants to retire anyway?

White Women and the 2018 Mid-Term Elections

So ladies;  the 2018 mid-term elections are coming up.  Some of you may be experiencing buyer’s-remorse with the Trump Presidency.   After all, those images of young children in cages at the border are pretty disturbing.  Maybe, just maybe, a more balanced Congress would be a good idea.  More Democrats in office would force an actual debate before Trump’s next erratic rant or tweet becomes law. 

Ladies, the time is now.  Our Democracy depends on us.

Sources:  This Washington Post article  and  Quartz article about voting demographics

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