When I started this blog in 2014, I rarely opined on political matters. As a mother of a daughter in recovery from anorexia. I had some foggy notion that sharing my story might help some other mom, dad, daughter or son. While I will never know if anyone else benefited from those early posts–writing them was therapeutic for me.

I SAW the devastating affects of eating disorders to individuals and their families. I started sharing our story with others–in person and with this blog.  I ‘SAID’ something. Then, I DID something. For three years I coordinated a fund-raising walk–raising a cumulative total of over $60,000 in the fight against eating disorders.

Then came November, 2016, and the focus of this blog shifted dramatically; in direct proportion to my sense of utter dismay and outrage with the election of Donald Trump (whom I refer to as “The D”)

Former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, has been on a number of talk shows lately, promoting her new book:  Facism: a Warning.  While she stops short of calling The D a facist, she describes him as the most anti-democratic U.S. President in history.  In her interviews Secretary Albright  advises that we all should:  “See something, Say something and, Do something”.   

We all find our own paths to speaking and acting — this blog has become a forum for me to say something.   Doing something for me has meant participating in marches, making political contributions and  volunteering for candidates whose ideology I support.  It is not much, but it is something.  It does take some courage to take public stand; Yet, every tiny act of courage is  preferable to standing on the sidelines — silently endorsing the unacceptable.

As I write this, the D’s Administration appears to be rushing towards an ignoble and messy conclusion; hastened by scandal, ego, pay-offs and sheer incompetence. Most recent scandals are described nicely in this recent Chicago Tribute Article. We are nearing a tipping point in our democracy that is likely to set a trajectory for years to come.   Now is not the time to stand mutely on the sidelines:  it is the time to speak up and to act.

As  another wise woman, Margaret Mead, once said:  Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.  




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