The grand-girls have departed after a lively extended weekend.  I am savoring many special memories from the last four days, including a surprise 21st birthday party for Guzzy, my youngest; and a whirlwind girls-only trip to Chicago with my oldest daughter, Kelly, and her four year old twin girls.

Unfortunately, Kelly was not the only parent with the idea of spending a few family days in the the Windy City during spring break.  While our hotel and the Field Museum were crowded, they were manageable with a bit of patience.  Today was another story –The Shedd Aquarium was wall-to-wall humanity.  We spent more time standing in line (for parking, for tickets, for the bathroom, for lunch, etc.) than we spent enjoying the displays–which while very impressive; were difficult to appreciate due to the sheer quantity of humans vying for viewing space.

The energetic grand girls were troopers through all of it, and came up with a new name for me:  “Gramita”, which gives a nice Mexican twist to my former title of ‘grandma’.

Now, Kelly and girls are on the road back to Minneapolis, and I am enjoying the healing silence of home.  It is balm to my ears.

Due to the aforementioned family events, I was not able to participate in this weekend’s March for our Lives Rally, but have been catching up online. There were many powerful and inspirational speeches, and none more so than that of Emma Gonzales;  one of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting Survivors; who maintained a stoic and tearful silence for 6 minutes, the amount of time it took for the shooting to take place.  The Silence was Powerful.  Emma allowed us the opportunity to listen with our hearts, and not our ears.

In a time when the adults are fleeing the White House: either of their own accord, or by edict from the Toddler-in-Chief; it is only fitting that our youth should show us what leadership looks and sounds like.   They give us hope and inspiration.  Listen to it… change is in the air.




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